Monday, November 28, 2016

Week Fourteen - Monday: Houston, We Have a Problem

Our robot is still having some issues when it comes to the challenge. Due to the wheels being faulty, the robot doesn't drive forward properly and instead it has a tendency to drive towards the left. However, it seems with the proper positioning from the actual tetrahedron stand, the robot is able to complete the challenge. The problem is isolating the specific location.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Week Thirteen - Monday: The Autonomous Tetrahedron Challenge

This week we've begun programming our robot to be capable of completing the autonomous tetrahedron challenge. After an error of miscommunication, a group member had accidentally taken the arm off of our robot, so we had to essentially reconstruct the arm.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Week Twelve - Friday: Tetrahedron Challenge Completed

We successfully completed building the robot, SolidWorks, and the tetrahedron challenge itself. With just a few modifications to the robot and a bit of practice, we were able to complete the tetrahedron challenge with just a few seconds to spare. Our next challenge is going to be the racquetball challenge. We're very close to the beginning of the starstruck challenge.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Week Twelve - Monday: Beginning SolidWorks

Today we completed the addition of our two new gears. The gears are now able to successfully compensate for the previously overbearing weight of the robot's arm. We also began SolidWorks, in SolidWorks we added the foundation for the arm and by tomorrow we should have successfully added all of the gears, collars, and metal components used for the arm (channels, angles, etc.)

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Week Eleven - Thursday: Foreseeing Fame

Through out this week, we used trial and error to find the most efficient design for our robot's arm. We swapped in two larger gears to compensate for the lack strength required to move the heavy arm. By next week we plan to complete the challenge and also complete SolidWorks.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Week Eleven - Monday: This Arm Ain't Big Enough for the Both of Us

To start off this week, we have concluded that the positions and size of the gears were not efficient enough, so we decided to upgrade and use bigger gears. Along with the gears, we will make the arm just a tad bit longer, so then we can raise the tetrahedron up to the top of the pipe. Our only problem here is that the arm is too heavy and when we raise the arm the bot lifts off the ground.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Week Ten - Friday: Challenge Clarification

The main gist of the challenge is to place three tetrahedrons at the top of an array of pipes. The main issue we're having right now is that our arm isn't long enough, mainly because the wheels of our robot are much tinier than last year, so we need more length on our arm. We tightened the screws and bezels around the robot.