Monday, March 28, 2016

Week Four - Monday: Autonomous

We started working on making the robot autonomous. The goal is to get the robot to maneuver around two chairs three times. We've been working vigorously whilst attempting to balance working between SolidWorks and coding.  We will try our best to accomplish this challenge, and we'll continue working on our code and persevering.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Week Three - Thursday: Making Progress in SolidWorks

As the week progressed, we worked hard on SolidWorks and we've made substantial progress. We're still far from finished, but we hope to be finished up over the Spring Break. Next week we're going to begin coding.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Week Three - Monday: We Begin On SolidWorks

This week we plan onto converting our VEX robot into a Solid Works model. First we are looking for the files and parts to assemble the robot so that we can assemble it first and once we have found all our needed parts we will begin building our robot on Solid Works.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Week Two - Friday: We're Finished!

We finished the robot and made a structure to secure the battery. Now all we have to do is program the robot and design it on SolidWorks. We had some minor setbacks for example mounting the motors incorrectly but we managed to mend the problem.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Week Two - Monday: More Organization

To start the week off, we began disassembling one of the robots from last years teams. We also began unboxing the Vex Clawbot toolkit. However, we're only going to be building the chassis, not the claw. Any parts that're used for the claw are to be put in the community toolboxes.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Week One - Friday: Finishing Touches

We reached our milestone of surviving one week of robotics. Our team is working alongside 1K Squad, and together we finished organizing the tool kits for our group, as well as giving each cart in the classroom two tool kits, we look forward to begin building the robot next week.